Nic Salts: A Beginner’s Guide

Nic Salts: A Beginner’s Guide

The vaping industry has become a huge hit in the last several years, so more and more people are switching to vaping. It may seem like products are constantly updating. A few years ago it seemed like everyone was toting around a big clunky mod. Then smaller, refillable pod-based systems seemed to take over. Coils have changed, battery life has gotten longer, and people have rightfully become more interested in the ingredients in their vape juice.


It seems like, in fact, all of those changes were leading us toward a better kind of vape with a better kind of vape juice. To that end, now we have nicotine salts. Also known as nic salts, this new type of vape juice is becoming increasingly popular throughout the industry.

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Many people find that nic salts make for a more enjoyable experience, and this is especially true among people who want to get higher nicotine levels from vaping. It has a number of benefits, especially when compared to some of the old e-liquid options, so it’s definitely worth looking into.

What Are Nic Salts?

Simply put, nicotine salts are what you get when nicotine binds to an acid. This process creates salt nicotine, which is also how nicotine is found naturally in tobacco leaves. The name nicotine salt might sound intimidating or offputting to some people. After all, who really wants to vape salts?

Explaining that its nicotine combined with acid doesn’t necessarily make it sound any better. The good news is that these products don’t sound so scary once you understand one or two simple things about chemistry. In chemistry, a “salt solution” is just another way of saying that acid and a base have reacted together.

When it comes to nic salts, pure nicotine is a base that’s normally mixed with benzoic acid to create nicotine salts. Benzoic acid still may sound scary, but it’s actually an awesome ingredient because it helps the nicotine get vaporized at lower temperatures, creates smoother throat hits by balancing pH, and makes it easier for your body to process the nicotine.

Again, if you’ve ever smoked a cigarette or cigar before, you’ve already had nicotine salt. Knowing that helps make the chemistry terms behind this product a lot less scary for most people. Furthermore, it’s actually part of the reason nicotine salts are so popular. Since this product is closer to what’s in tobacco, most people find they like it more when they’re trying to make the switch from cigarettes to vaping. To fully understand everything that makes nic salts different, it may be helpful to compare it to freebase nicotine.

Freebase Nicotine Vs. Nicotine Salt

In the early days of vaping, everyone was using freebase nicotine. For the most part, that’s because freebase nicotine was the only kind of e-liquid available. To put it as simply as possible, freebase nicotine is essentially an isolated form of pure nicotine in a solution. Since pure freebase nicotine solution isn’t necessarily viable in vapes, it was suspended in either vegetable glycerin (VG), propylene glycol (PG), or some combination of the two.

Those liquids could be vaporized and inhaled, and they would carry the freebase nicotine solution into the lungs. At the time, it made sense to use freebase nicotine in these products. Some companies have been adding a combination of freebase nicotine and ammonia to cigarettes to deliver a larger dose of nicotine. The inclusion of ammonia makes this especially unappealing, but Phillip Morris started doing this for Marlboro more than 50 years ago, and the industry hasn’t really looked back since. Furthermore, freebase nicotine is in other kinds of nicotine products like nicotine gum, nicotine patches, nicotine lozenges, and more.

One unfortunate thing about freebase nicotine, though, especially when it comes to vaping, is that it has relatively high alkalinity compared to other things people are used to inhaling. It’s a base, in other words, and that can cause irritating feelings for some people even though the pH level of nicotine salts is normally slightly above neutral. Since vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol don’t do much to offset the alkalinity, the pH level of e-liquid would get higher the more nicotine was added.

What are the Advantages of Nicotine Salts?

Nicotine salts came about because people realized they could bind freebase nicotine with acid to reproduce a more neutralized form of nicotine like what’s found in natural tobacco. This form of e-liquid doesn’t feel as harsh on the throat. In addition, nicotine salts allow nicotine to be vaped at a lower temperature and to get into the bloodstream at a faster rate.

Those who want to vape as an alternative way to get the nicotine they’re used to getting from cigarettes often find that it’s easier to do that with nic salts than it is with freebase nicotine e-juice.

How to Vape Nicotine Salts?

The chemistry behind nicotine salts allows them to come in much higher strength, and it also allows people to use them in less powerful devices. People who are used to vaping freebase nicotine e-liquid are used to needing powerful sub-ohm devices and producing massive clouds of vapor. When they make the switch to nicotine salts, they find that their devices actually deliver too much of the nic salts, especially unless the devices can be turned down to a much lower level. Nic salts are often good for systems with refillable pods– just make sure your e-liquid is a good fit for your device.

Pros and Cons of Nicotine Salts

The pros of nicotine salts are more apparent for most people. They enable higher nicotine levels and smoother hits. They can also be enjoyed discreetly from small devices and without producing enormous, noticeable clouds. People who want to vape a lot and produce huge clouds may still prefer freebase e-liquids with low nicotine levels. It’s really a personal preference.

Our Favorite Nic Salt Varieties

We have a massive selection of nicotine salts here at HQ Vape & Smoke, and here are just a few of our favorites:

  • Straw-nana by Bodega Electric Elixers (a local Arizona company)
  • Pure Fruit by Aqua Salts
  • Arctic Cool Mint by TWST Salts
  • Blu Raz by Salt Factory
  • Fuji Apple by Pacha Mama Salts

Are Nicotine Salts the Better Option for Me?

As with everything else related to vaping, from which flavor of e-liquid you like to how you want your device to look, this is somewhat of a personal decision. That said, there’s also a good amount of science behind it that may indicate whether or not nicotine salts are the right option for you. If you agree with most or all of the following, then nicotine salts may be the best kind of e-liquid for you:

  • You want smooth hits.
  • You want a lot of nicotine.
  • You don’t want to use a fancy mod.
  • You’re trying to replace cigarettes.

Get Top Quality Nic Salts in Tempe, AZ at HQ Vape & Smoke

Visit us at HQ Vape & Smoke in Tempe for all things vape. Our staff will walk you through our full selection to make sure you find the product that appeals to you most. Come see us today to get started and pick your nic salts.

A Beginner’s Guide to Glass Pipes

A Beginner’s Guide to Glass Pipes

Glass pipes have a lot to offer. They’re incredibly useful, and they also look great. Every individual can find a glass pipe that seems like a good fit for them because there are so many different colors, styles, and designs available. Whether you’re interested in water pipes, simple hand pipes, or something with an intricate and unique design, there’s something out there that will match your style. Learn more about the different types of glass pipes to determine which one is most appealing to you, and you’ll end up with something you can enjoy for years to come.

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What Are Glass Pipes?

Some people don’t expect glass pipes to be very different from pipes made with other materials like clay or wood. The difference in material is actually very important, though, especially for people who want to have a pure smoking experience.

Clay and wood pipes are known to add some of their own flavors to anything you smoke out of them, which isn’t ideal if you’re trying to fully enjoy your newest blend of tobacco or herbs. Glass bowls don’t impart any flavor of their own, and they’re also extremely easy to clean so you can get a fresh taste every single time.

How Are Glass Pipes Made?

If you’ve ever seen someone blow glass before, you already know how beautiful and fascinating this process can be. Blown glass, including pipes, can be produced by hand or whirled on glass lathes. Some people prefer to buy mass-produced pipes from the most respected brands in the industry because they’re looking for the most consistent experience they can find.

Others like to shop for glass pipes by local artists because the creativity can really shine through in pieces that are made by hand. When blowing glass, the artist takes very hot, molten glass and forms it into the desired shape before allowing it to cool. During the blowing process, it’s possible to include different colors of glass to create a visually appealing look. To do this, the artist will typically add color at different steps to create layers, specks, or other interesting textures. Another process that can make glass pipes especially interesting is called fuming. Hot metal fumes are introduced to the glass, which gives it a tinted appearance.

The tinting isn’t very noticeable at first because it’s on a clear background, but smokers can enjoy watching their pipes change color during and after smoking. This happens because resin from whatever you smoke will coat the inside of the pipe, and the darkness of the resin makes the fuming more visible.  The color reflected from the fuming process will depend on the type of metal vapor used in this process.

You might notice that your pipe seems to be turning pink, yellow, blue, or some other color as you use it. The colors will look different depending on the lighting and angle when you look at it, which makes these glass pipes like living pieces of art. When it’s time to clean your pipe, the color will return to its original state and you can start all over again.

What are the Benefits of Glass Pipes?

One of the biggest advantages of glass pipes is that the material isn’t flammable and doesn’t add any extra taste to your smoke. In other words, these pipes are a great choice for anyone who wants to enjoy the purest smoke possible. Since these pipes are non-porous, they’re also extremely easy to clean and sterilize.

If you start to taste some flavors from your previous smoke whenever you light a fresh bowl, you can easily clean the pipe to get back to the pure flavor you love. For similar reasons, people often think of glass pipes as being a relatively healthier smoking option. People are still inhaling whatever material they’re smoking, but that’s all.

There’s no unintended smoke like you might expect from clay pipes, wood pipes, or rolling papers. The only thing being combusted is the exact thing you want. Finally, smoking out of a glass pipe is extremely convenient and fun. Glass is an ideal material for making pipes because it doesn’t heat easily, and it does cool down quickly in the event that it does get hot.

Compared to making pipes out of some other type of metal, there is a very low risk of burning your fingers or lips when you smoke out of a glass pipe. The comfortable experience is also very fun. There are almost limitless different types of glass pipes in terms of both structure and color, so the smoker can get plenty of variety without sacrificing the smoking experience.

What are the Disadvantages of Glass Pipes?

Here at HQ Vape and Smoke, we absolutely love glass pipes. That will be apparent to you as soon as you see our massive selection of them. Even so, we’ll be the first to admit that there are some slight disadvantages to glass pipes. These pipes are still a terrific option for most people, but it’s important to consider all angles before you make your decision.

For one thing, glass pipes are relatively easy to break. That’s just how glass is. This shouldn’t be a problem if the pipe is handled correctly, but accidents happen. Unfortunately, it’s also hard to repair glass pipes– they generally can’t be salvaged once they’re broken. We recommend that people be extremely careful when they’re storing, handling, and cleaning their glass pipe. If you proceed with caution, you should be able to use your glass pipe for a long time without it breaking.

Some people have also noted that options like metal pipes and rolling papers are less expensive than glass pipes. That’s true, but you pay for what you get. Smoking out of a metal pipe can be hot and uncomfortable, so it’s beyond worth it for most people to upgrade to a glass pipe. You can also use a glass pipe again and again, unlike rolling papers. One of the great things about glass pipes is that there are so many different types.

This allows people to choose the exact type of glass pipe that enables the type of smoking experience they like. Just as importantly, it allows you to have a variety of different options in terms of both function and appearance. It’s no wonder so many people like to collect a lot of different pieces! While some pipes are produced in mass quantities in factories to create more consistency, every pipe that was hand blown by a local artist is completely unique.

Regardless of whether you buy a glass pipe that was created in a factory or one that was blown by hand, you’ll have several different styles from which you can choose. Most glass pipes can be categorized into one of the following styles:

  • Bubblers
  • Water Pipes
  • Sherlock Pipes
  • Gandalf Pipes
  • Chillums
  • Steamrollers
  • Spoons

Each of the different types of glass pipes offers its own unique benefits and characteristics. Some are created to simply be as efficient as possible, while others are designed as functional art pieces that can be displayed when not in use. Learn more about all of your options to decide which type or types you find most appealing.

Bubblers and Glass Water Pipes

People love bubblers and other types of water pipes because they’re known for producing smooth, cool smoke. If you find that smoke is normally too harsh for your liking, you can take control of that by filtering it through water before you inhale it. Most people like to use cold water in their bubblers to make the smoke crisp and give it a fresh taste. Some water pipes even have stems that can hold ice cubes to make the smoke especially cool and dense.

We’ve heard that other people like to put warm water in their bubblers and water pipes. This makes the smoke feel more like a warm vapor, and some people say it feels more pleasant in their throats. No matter which kind of water you use, you can count on it filtering out anything that might otherwise sneak through the glass water pipes and into your mouth.

For example, bubblers and water pipes will catch resin, ash, and any of the smoking material that may get sucked through the bowl while you smoke. Just make sure you fill your water pipe to the appropriate level so you don’t accidentally inhale any of the water along with your smoke. It’s also important to change the water in your bubbler regularly so it doesn’t become dirty and taint the flavor of your smoke.

Sherlock Pipes

Sherlock pipes are named after the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes, who famously smoked tobacco out of a pipe with a curved airway. Some of these pipes are designed with flat surfaces at the bottom of the curve and near the mouthpiece so they can stand up on their own. Alternatively, these pipes may have little glass feet near the curve of the neck to help them stand upright. The ability to stand upright when not in use makes these desirable for people who like to proudly display their glass pipes.

Gandalf Pipes

If you’ve ever watched any of the Lord of the Rings movies, you might have admired Gandalf’s pipe, which has an especially large stem. Some of these pipes might be close to a foot long, or maybe even longer. Fans of these types of pipes appreciate them for their novel appearance and the way they can make someone look sophisticated when smoking. The Gandalf style isn’t normally recommended for people who are new to glass pipes because they can be unwieldy when smoking. The long stem can also make Gandalf pipes difficult to clean. If you’re comfortable with those obstacles, though, this particular style of glass pipe can be a unique and interesting addition to your collection.


If you’re just looking for a simple, affordable glass pipe, you can find it with a chillum. This is one of the most straightforward types of glass pipes, and they’re extremely easy to use. They’re generally created without a carb or choke, which is the hole that smokers can use to control the flow of smoke through a pipe. The only downside to this is that it makes it a little bit harder to completely clear the smoke from the pipe. The upside is that it makes these pipes easy to use, even for beginners. Chillums normally come in the form of a straight tube with a bowl on one end and a mouthpiece on the other end. Simply light the bowl, inhale, and enjoy. Most chillums come with relatively small bowls, which make them great for a quick smoking session when you don’t have people to share with.


Steamrollers are also known for being one of the best glass pipes for beginners. They’re known for creating big, hard hits. The design is somewhat like a chillum, except that the bowl is moved to the top of the pipe. The end of the pipe across from the mouthpiece is left open, and the smoker can cover this part with their hand while they fill the tube with smoke. Once enough smoke is in the pipe, simply remove your hand from the far end– all of the smoke will rush into your mouth at once.


The spoon is one of the most common types of glass pipes. It gets its name because it’s shaped somewhat like a spoon, with the bowl located at the part of the spoon you’d use to scoop up your soup or ice cream. There’s normally a small hole called a carb or choke on one side of the bowl. When lighting the bowl, this hole should be covered so that air can only enter the pipe by going through the material in the bowl, filling the pipe with smoke. When the hole is uncovered, more air is able to flow through the pipe. This makes it easier to inhale all of the smoke from the pipe without leaving much or any left inside.

How to Clean Glass Pipes

No matter which type of glass pipe you choose, it’s important to clean it regularly. Dirty pipes look bad, negatively affect the taste of the smoke, and can even become clogged or unhygienic. Some people like to go without cleaning their pipes for a while so they can observe a change in color, but it’s easier to clean a pipe before it becomes completely coated in resin or tar.

There are two primary ways to clean glass pipes:

Boiling a Glass Pipe – Put your pipe in cold water in a pot, turning it to remove bubbles. Heat the water gradually until it boils and the pipe is cleaned. Let the water reach room temperature and don’t shock the pipe with a sudden temperature change.

Cleaning a Pipe With Alcohol – Dissolve salt in cleaning alcohol, then soak the pipe in it. You may need to agitate the mixture by gently shaking the pipe in it. If you have persistent resin built up in your pipe, you may also need to use a pipe cleaner or something else in addition to the isopropyl alcohol.

Come Find Your Next Glass Pipe at HQ Vape & Smoke!

At HQ Vape & Smoke, we have a wide selection of glass pipes. We stock some of the most classic glass pipes on the market, and we also work with local artisan glass blowers to get unique pieces. Our staff will help you navigate our entire selection to find something that’s right for you, and we can even provide instructions for the care of your glass pipe. Stop by today to explore our glass pipes and find one that’s perfect for your next smoke.

Vape FAQ Guide

Vape FAQ Guide

It’s not just your imagination-vaping has been everywhere over the past few years. Often used as a safer replacement for those who want to quit smoking, vapes provide nicotine without the tobacco and chemicals found in traditional cigarettes. Vape liquid, often called e-juice, is available in tobacco and menthol varieties along with an endless variety of fruit and dessert flavors. If you’re curious about learning more, read on for answers to the most common questions we get here at HQ Vape & Smoke about vaping.

How Does Vaping Work?

Although many types of vapes are available, they all share four basic components:

  • The tank, which stores your e-liquid so it can be vaporized. Both refillable and disposable tanks are available depending on the type of vape device.
  • The atomizer, which contains the vape’s heating coil. When the battery is activated, the atomizer heats the liquid in the tank, transforming it to inhalable vapor.
  • The battery, which triggers the atomizer to heat up to the designated temperature. Most vape batteries are rechargeable, and some are shaped like a sleek, portable pen device.
  • The mouthpiece attached to the tank. This allows the user to inhale the vaporized e-juice.

What Is eLiquid Made of?

Like vape devices themselves, vape liquids come in nearly infinite varieties. And like vaporizers, most juices share several basic components:

  • Either propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, or a blend of the two ingredients. These safe, common chemicals create the clouds of vapor users can exhale. PG offers an intense throat hit and flavor while VG creates bigger vape clouds. Many vapers have a preference for one or the other.
  • Natural and/or chemical flavoring. Get an authentic cigarette experience or opt for a sweet, fruity burst when you inhale your vape liquid of choice.
  • Nicotine, which eliminates smokers’ cravings without the chemicals and carcinogens of cigarettes. Vapers can choose from a range of nicotine levels, including eLiquid blends with no nicotine content.

Learn how to care for your vape device.

Are Health Risks Associated with Vaping?

Clinical research indicates that vaping significantly decreases the health risks associated with smoking, including but not limited to cancer and heart disease. In fact, British Public Health reported in 2015 that vapes are 95% safer than cigarettes. The UK agency also said that about 68% of smokers who switched to a vape were successfully able to quit cigarettes.

There is now substantial evidence, both from clinical trials and real-world studies, that e-cigarettes are as effective as other proven cessation medications and have helped millions of smokers, who have struggled to stop with other means, to quit cigarettes for good.

-Lion Shahab, Professor of Health Psychology at University College London

What Types of Vapes Are Available?

From simple pen styles to complicated rigs with multiple tanks, the wide array of vape designs truly allows users to customize the experience. Some of the most common types include:

  • Portable, discreet vapes with a pen-shaped battery and disposable or refillable cartridges
  • Pod vapes with plug and play cartridges
  • Box mods with enhanced vape performance and battery life
  • Modifiable vapes with rebuildable coils also known as atomizers.

Image Credit: Getty Images / gawriloff

Low Nic Vs. Salt Nic

Low Nic Vs. Salt Nic

Low Nic – vs – Salt Nic

You might have heard it called nic salt, salt nic juice, nic salts, or nicotine salts. Whatever you want to call it, it’s becoming extremely popular among vaping enthusiasts. There are a few reasons nicotine salts are becoming more popular than low nicotine, ranging from the devices used to enjoy it to the smoothness of it. For the most part, everything we love about nic salt can be traced back to its potency.

Low Nicotine/Freebase Nicotine Vs. Nic Salts Strength

The biggest difference between nicotine salt and freebase nicotine is the vape juice nicotine level. Freebase nicotine can’t achieve nearly the same levels of nicotine without becoming extremely harsh. Many of our customers say that they find themselves vaping low nicotine all day until they feel satisfied, and it makes their throat feel raw. Since nicotine salts can contain much higher levels of nicotine, most people say they find themselves vaping less frequently after making the switch.

Why Do People Buy Nic Salts?

While the strength of nicotine salt is what ultimately makes it so popular, there are also some finer points to the experiences you can get with it:

    • Many people who are used to a certain amount of nicotine every day, such as former smokers, appreciate that they can get the high nicotine levels they’re used to.
    • Some people make the switch because other vaping options like freebase didn’t appeal to them very much.
    • Our customers who are new to vaping might gravitate toward nicotine salts because they like to go straight for the latest and greatest technology available.
    • Some people say the throat hit feels more similar to the kind you might expect from tobacco, which they prefer more than the harsh throat hit of low nicotine.

What Is Low/Freebase Nicotine?

The older style of vape juice is known as freebase nicotine, and it’s actually been around in various forms since the 1960s. The term freebase indicates that nicotine has been isolated from everything else as much as possible to get it in its most concentrated forms. This makes the nicotine levels a lot higher, and the potency allows it to be absorbed and processed by your body quickly.

A famous cigarette company behind top brands, figured a lot of this out about six decades ago in the 1960s. At this point, they were adding nicotine to their cigarettes to make them more addictive. The key to freebasing nicotine for consumption in this way is to strip away some of its chemical structure to make it more volatile. As this happens, it becomes easier for nicotine to cross organic membranes in your body. This means you’re getting more of it into your lungs and your brain quickly.

For people who want high nic levels, this may sound like a good thing. If that’s the case, why does everyone keep making the switch because they say nicotine salt is stronger than freebase nicotine? To take this step forward, the vaping industry actually takes a page out of nature’s book.

How is Nicotine Salt Different?

Where it exists naturally in tobacco leaves, nicotine naturally has the chemical composition of a salt. In other words, it’s made up of a positive charge and a negative charge, or an acid and a base. Cigarette companies were using ammonia to literally free the base (hence the name) and remove the positive charge. This was often achieved by using a salt such as diammonium phosphate to create ammonium when the cigarette was lit on fire. This reaction is what freebased the nicotine and made it ready for inhalation.

Nicotine salts have a much more stable chemical structure than low nicotine, similar to the nicotine salt found naturally in tobacco leaves. Benzoic acid is the secret ingredient that makes this stable structure more powerful than freebase nicotine. Introducing benzoic acid does three important things:

1. Lowers the pH balance of the salt nicotine to create a smoother throat hit

2. Helps the nic salts vaporize at lower temperatures so they’re not as hot in your throat

3. Creates a chemical reaction that helps free the nicotine so it becomes more absorbable like low nicotine

The smooth, cool hits of nic salts combine with this high level of bioavailability make it ideal. You can vape more of it without making yourself uncomfortable, and your body ends up absorbing more nicotine along the way.

Devices for Nic Salt

These changes to the chemistry make it so nic salt can be enjoyed with much less powerful devices. Using a high-wattage device like a sub-ohm to vape potent nicotine salt would deliver too much nicotine. Some people who don’t know about nic salts might say, “there’s no such thing as too much nicotine.” Trust us, though, there really is.

Using a device with low wattage allows you to find convenient options that are sleek, small, convenient, and inconspicuous. You can even find one that auto fires if you don’t like the idea of holding a button down when you switch to vaping. Most people agree that these devices are more straightforward, more convenient, and just generally more enjoyable to use.

To get a low-wattage device for nic salts, choose one of the following options with high resistance:

    • Closed System Nic Salt Vapes – This means you use something that accepts disposable pods or cartridges. Some people prefer this method because it’s very convenient and less messy. Disposables, the easiest to use or a rechargeable Juul type of prefilled pod device.
    • Open System Nic Salt Vape – This type of device is also called a fill your own or refillable system, which means you just add more of the nic salt vape juice yourself instead of buying another pod or cartridge. People who like this option say it’s good that there are fewer things to throw away.

Freebase Nicotine Vs. Nic Salts – Which is Better?

Vaping is a personal experience, so no one but you can really decide which type of vape pens are the best for you or which type of vape juice is the best for you. Still, we find that many of our customers have recently said that nic salts are more appealing to them. To recap, the reasons people say they buy nicotine salts normally come down to things like this:

    • “I just quit smoking and I’m looking for something that can replace nicotine as quickly as possible.”
    • “It takes me all day to feel like I’m getting enough nicotine from my old vape, and I’m sick of dealing with it all the time.”
    • “Freebase nicotine makes my throat feel super raw, and it actually hurts way worse than it did when I was smoking.”
    • “The sensation of inhaling smoke was nice for me, and I’m looking for something a little bit more similar.”
    • “The devices for nic salts are way better than the freebase nicotine vapes I can find.”
    • “Nic salts taste cooler and smoother.”
    • “Nicotine salts last longer, which is nice because I use less.”

Where to Buy Salt Nic Juice

Here at HQ Vape & Smoke, we’ve set up Headquarters in Tempe, AZ as well as Denver, CO. You can visit us in either city to get all of your vape supplies including nic salts. Stop by today, and we’ll hook you up with everything you need for an awesome setup. Find both of our Locations to meet all your vape needs.

Featured Image: Anastasika Yar/Shutterstock

A Beginner’s Guide to Vaping Concentrates

Get Ready for 710: A Beginner’s Guide to Vaping Concentrates

What You’ll Learn

As you read this introductory guide to vaping concentrates, you’ll learn:

    • How to vape concentrates, including all of the accessories you’ll need for a great experience
    • Which types of dab pens are best for people of all experience levels
    • How to decide between vape pens, desktop vapes, and all of the various dab rigs

What Are Concentrates?

Concentrates are the primary example of just how far the legal cannabis industry has come within the United States.

Whether you’re finding CBD concentrates, THC concentrates, or both, these substances offer significantly higher cannabinoid levels than you could ever get from even the best raw plant material.

Herbal concentrates, also known as dabs, are highly refined products that contain concentrated levels of the most desirable ingredients found in natural cannabis.

More specifically, these concentrates contain high levels of THC (or CBD if that’s the type you prefer) in addition to flavorful terpenes.

What are the Benefits of Concentrates?

Now that you know what concentrates are, you can probably guess why so many different people are switching to them.

Dabs are becoming one of the most popular ways to enjoy legal herbal products, and concentrate sales may even surpass the sales of flower and edibles within the next few years.

If you ask someone why they love vaping concentrates so much, you’re likely to hear one of a few different answers:

1. Concentrates are discrete. Some people like to be able to enjoy their legal herbs without announcing it to everyone else in the area, but traditional products put off a strong and unmistakable smell. Vaped concentrates, on the other hand, don’t produce nearly as much smell. This allows you to do your thing with a good deal of discretion, which is nice even when what you’re doing is perfectly legal.

2. Concentrates taste great. The increased flavor is yet another important reason people love concentrates so much. Depending on the specific type of concentrate you choose, your concentrates are likely to have high levels of terpenes, which gives them a pleasant, almost juicy flavor. Since some ingredients have been removed, you’ll also be getting less of that bitter, grassy taste.

3. Concentrates give stronger hits. As the name suggests, concentrates are refined to contain very concentrated levels of the most important ingredients from the raw plant material. That means you’re not inhaling chlorophyll and other unwanted parts of the plant. Instead, you’re getting exactly what you wanted in the first place, and many concentrates have cannabinoid levels as high as 80%. As a result, you won’t need nearly as much of your concentrate to get the same effects as you’d expect from a much larger amount of flower.

Can You Put Concentrate in a Vape Pen?

Yes, you can. Most vapes are made specifically with concentrates in mind, and dry herb vaporizers are actually significantly less common.

Since most types of vaporizers were made for concentrates, they’re among the best ways to enjoy concentrates, especially for people who appreciate purity. As opposed to adding concentrates to other ground material in a pipe or rolling paper, using a vape pen or dab rig will lead to a much more intense experience.

Is a Dab Pen Good for Beginners?

If you’re just learning how to vape concentrates, dab pens might actually be the easiest option for you. While many types of dab rigs and tabletop vaporizers are also easy to use, there’s just no beating the convenience of a vape pen.

All you have to do to enjoy your dab pen is load it with the appropriate type of concentrate, press a button to turn it on and puff away.

Best Types of Dab Pens

Some refillable vape pens offer lots of flexibility because they can be filled with many different types of concentrates. For example, you may want to add your favorite legal wax, live resin, distillate, or something similar.

Other dab pens for beginners can be paired with disposable cartridges. This doesn’t provide as much flexibility, but it does offer an entirely new level of convenience.

Suppose you’re a beginner who doesn’t want to have to learn how to handle all of the different concentrates effectively.

In that case, it might make sense to choose a disposable dab pen or a rechargeable battery that can be paired with disposable cartridges.

If you want to be able to use more types of concentrates while also limiting your waste, however, a reusable and refillable dab pen might be your best bet. Either way, you can find a vape shop location near you to talk with an experienced dab expert about all of your options.

How to Vape Concentrates

The exact method for vaping will depend slightly on the type of concentrate you choose. As mentioned above, dab pens have become incredibly popular in recent years. These small devices might also be called pocket vape pens.

If you’re looking for a more robust solution to use at home, you may be more interested in a water-cooled vape or dab rig.

If you’re looking for something unique as well as portable, try a nectar collector, also known as a dab straw. The RoadRunner, made in AZ by HomeBlown Glass, is a popular example of these.

Vape for Weed Concentrates

Some vapes require a torch to heat up, but you can also find e-rigs or e-nails that simplify the process by using electricity. No matter which type of device you ultimately choose, make sure you buy from a reliable vape brand and get all of the accessories you need.

Best Concentrates to Vape

Some people like to buy the perfect device for their favorite types of concentrates, while others look for concentrates that can work perfectly in their vape.

In either case, it’s important to make sure your concentrate and your device are a good fit for each other. To that end, we recommend familiarizing yourself with some of the most basic types of concentrates:

    • Wax – This concentrate is one of the most popular choices because it’s so easy to work with.
    • Distillate – Pure liquid; this is what’s in most refillable vape tanks.
    • Budder – As far as soft, easy concentrates go, this one is toward the top of the list.
    • Shatter – Hard and easy to break; this glass concentrate is beautiful but can be hard to work with.
    • Live Resin – This soft, liquidy option is known for offering exceptional taste and being easy to handle.
    • Crumble – This is somewhat of a cross between shatter and budder. It’s breakable but still softer and less fragile than shatter is. It’s one of the easiest options to handle for refillable vapes.

What Is 710?

710 is like the new 420, but for dabs. 710 looks like OIL written upside down, which is why the number has become slang for concentrates.

7/10 is becoming something of a dab holiday, too. While 4/20 is already very popular, we’re expecting 7/10 to get a lot of attention in the near future.

Headquarters Vape and Smoke Locations in Tempe and Denver

Now that you know how to vape concentrates, come shop at Headquarters to find the best selection of dab pens, rigs, and other accessories for vaping concentrates. We have locations in Tempe, AZ, and Denver, CO, two cities that also have plenty of places to buy great concentrates. Come visit us today to get everything you need for vaping!

Featured Image: Brandon Crawford/Shutterstock

Ccell for your Vapes

Why Choose Ccell for your Vapes

What You’ll Learn

As you read this review of CCELL vapes, you’ll learn:

  • This brand is setting a new standard for hardware and technology, which helps them create some of the best vapes on the market.
  • CCELL vapes use ceramic heating elements instead of the old wick-based coils, which helps draw maximum flavor and potency from various extracts.
  • Vapes with ceramic heating elements are known to deliver pure flavor from the very first puff, unlike many older vapes that may require several puffs to launch.

Are CCELL Vapes Worth It?

Vaporizers come in many shapes and sizes, but CCELL is one of the best brands on the market, no matter how you slice them. When it comes to vaporizers, there are a few primary benefits our customers generally say they’re looking for:

  • They want something without the tar, carbon monoxide, and other harmful toxins that are typically found in smoke.
  • They want something more efficient, especially because many people have noticed that they can use 30-40% less material when vaping instead of smoking.
  • They want something that’s more covert and doesn’t leave such an obvious smell in the air.
  • They want something small enough that it doesn’t take up a ton of space.

When you consider the list of benefits above, you’ll find that most of the best vapes on the market can satisfy these requirements. Still, CCELL has been getting a lot of recognition for being revolutionary for the industry. To understand what makes this product even more advanced and impressive than other options on the market, consider what makes these vape pens different from others.

What Makes CCELL Vapes Different?

CCELL produces ceramic heating elements that are designed to replace conventional wick-based coils. The theory is that this will release purer flavors, get more out of the extracts, and handle many different types of concentrates with varying viscosity. A lot is going on with these vapes, but it all starts with the unique ceramic used.

The team behind these vapes uses a special manufacturing process that uses high heat to create a patented type of ceramic. This special ceramic contains many nanoscopic inlet holes, which helps it absorb, store, and vaporize even the most viscous oil. The embedded coil was also designed with ideal resistance and equivalent gaps. These features combine with the powerful CCELL batteries to provide all of the following:

  • Maximum efficiency and vapor production
  • Even heat distribution for consistent vapor
  • Large vapor volume
  • Steady performance to maximize flavor purity as well as potency

You don’t have to be a scientist to appreciate the intricacy that goes into every single product CCELL produces and sells. Just consider where and how their vapes are made, and it will become clear that this operation is a step above what you might expect from most other vape companies.

How Are CCELL Vapes Made?

This company has a research and development center that spans more than 10,000 square feet. More than 260 engineers are working for CCELL, each bringing their own special set of skills, education, and ideas. That’s part of the reason that the innovative vape company has already been awarded over 400 patents on different pieces of vaporizing technology.

In addition to all of their intellectual property, CCELL leverages a precise testing procedure. The Manufacture Executive System carefully monitors the quality of everything from raw materials to finished products. They also have a commitment to hygiene and safety, going so far as to claim that theirs is the first dust-free workshop in the entire industry. Furthermore, their facilities meet the highest Good Manufacturing Process (GMP) standards for production facilities, which is how they can keep quality so high even as they produce a massive amount of units.

CCELL Vape Reviews

The biggest thing reviewers note is that, unlike wick-based technology, the ceramic heating elements in CCELL vapes don’t ruin good oil by giving it a burnt taste. The performance is also more consistent than what you can get from vapes with wicks, especially when it comes to popular extracts with high viscosity. That’s a big part of the reason CCELL gets such positive feedback from other companies and individual customers alike:

  • OutCo is a vape oil production company, and they’ve said that they only trust CCELL to produce cartridges that can match the quality of their oils.
  • OGZ Holdings, another vape oil production company, echoes the sentiment, saying that the centered atomizer in CCELL cartridges yields the most consistent draws and flavor.
  • Sea Dub Extracts adds that CCELL provides the lowest leak/defect rate in addition to the best vapor production. They even add that this quality beats every other atomizer out there while having a reasonable enough price to offer terrific value even while selling the ultimate product.

It says a lot that other companies in the industry have recognized CCELL for being the best. Still, you don’t just have to listen to other brands. Individuals have also noted that these are some of the best vapes in the world. When you talk to existing customers, you’re likely to hear reviews like the following:

  • Patented Technology – CCELL’s focus on pursuing patents does a few things for customers. For one thing, it shows that the brand is committed to a scientific level of excellence, and they’re operating as a very legitimate business. It also means that the engineering efforts behind these ceramic heating elements don’t have to be secret since it isn’t legal to copy them. This enables the company to be very straightforward and honest with customers.
  • Compact Size – Compared to other vapes that offer such great quality, the options from CCELL are fairly small. They create the same quality of vapor as many tabletop options, but they’re sleek enough to take with you on the go.
  • Ease of Use – Some vapes take a while to heat up, and it can be difficult to tell when they’re even ready. CCELL, on the other hand, can be activated just by inhaling, and the cartridge heats up immediately, so there’s no waiting period before you can enjoy the premium vapor.
  • Consistency – When you buy a CCELL vape, you can count on getting the same flavor and performance every single time.
  • No Leaky Cartridges – Don’t worry about making a mess to enjoy the pure flavor and consistent vapor.
  • Quick Assembly – No matter which type you choose, it’s easy and intuitive to put it together.
  • Long Battery Life – People often complain about the short battery life of other vapes, but CCELL produces batteries that last longer and are more dependable.

Do CCELL Cartridges Work With Any Battery?

CCELL makes 510 threaded carts, which means you can use them with just about any battery. Still, most customers like to pair CCELL cartridges with CCELL batteries for two primary reasons:

  • The company makes vape systems that pair together perfectly.
  • It’s hard to find any better options for either carts or batteries.

Buy CCELL Vapes in Tempe and Denver

Here at HQ Vape and Smoke, we’re proud to offer premium brands like CCELL. So visit both our Locations in Tempe or Denver!

Featured Image: BenjaminDisinger/Shutterstock

HQ Vape & Smoke Best of Phoenix® Multiple Winner

HQ Vape & Smoke Best of Phoenix® Multiple Winner

Every year in September, the Phoenix New Times releases their Best of Phoenix® issue celebrating the best businesses in the Valley. Did you know HQ Vape & Smoke is a multiple winner of the annual Best of Phoenix® award for Best Head Shop?

That’s right! The Phoenix New Times has highlighted us here at HQ Vape & Smoke in Tempe as the Best Head Shop in Phoenix multiple times! So what exactly makes us the Best Head Shop?

In 2011, the Phoenix New Times editorial team bestowed our first Best of Phoenix® award for Best Head Shop and highlighted how, “the friendly staff is enthusiastic about the goods and more than happy to answer any questions or help you decide whether you really need that four-footer when a pack of rolling papers will do.” The following year, we claimed the Best Head Shop award again and were commended on “the store’s selection of glass gear and rolling papers will satisfy serious and silly smokers alike — with well-versed staffers all too eager to assist them in their inhaling endeavors.”

Since 1989, HQ Vape & Smoke has been supplying tobacco, vape, and cannabis enthusiasts with all of their smoking essentials. Our staff is knowledgeable about the products we offer and we’re passionate about providing extraordinary customer service in a laid back atmosphere so you leave with confidence knowing that you’ve got the product that’s right for you. Come visit us at 219 W. University Dr in Tempe right near the ASU Campus and see for yourself what makes us the best head shop around!

The 2021 Best of Phoenix® Reader’s Poll is open now and voting ends September 12th with winners being announced in the September 30th Best of Phoenix® issue. Vote HQ Vape & Smoke for Best Head Shop in the 2021 Best of Phoenix® Reader’s Poll!

Vaping vs Smoking

Benefits of Vaping vs Smoking

From Tempe to Denver, vaping has become an attractive alternative to traditional smoking. The popularity of vaping has increased due to several factors, two of the primary reasons being convenience and fewer known health risks, but there are so many reasons why nicotine consumers are making the switch to vaping.

Although there are many different variations or forms of types of vapes, in general, vaping is a tobacco-free way to consume nicotine without some of the other chemicals ingested and exhaled in the process of traditional smoking. For this reason, traditional smoking has begun to fall into obsoletion, with many consumers electing to vape. Keep reading to understand the many benefits of vaping (when compared to smoking) and learn why vaping has proliferated as a preferable way to consume nicotine across the country.

E-Cigarettes Don’t Produce Harmful Chemicals When Exhaled

Almost everyone has been taught the dangers of cigarettes, including the excretion of harmful chemicals when found in cigarette smoke. Traditional cigarettes contain a number of ingredients, chemicals, and compounds. In fact, many cigarettes can produce over seven thousand additives and chemicals in the smoke that is exhaled!

Compare this to the simplicity of vaping. Vaping relies on e-liquid to transmit nicotine. Most e-liquids contain only four ingredients. These ingredients are PG (propylene glycol), VG (vegetable glycerin), nicotine, and vapor flavoring. Due to the minimal ingredients in the e-liquid, the exhaled vapor is generally not considered harmful, which means you can normally vape in public and around others.

So, Is Vaping Safer Than Smoking?

Due to a number of factors, including fewer ingredients in the e-liquid, many consumers feel more comfortable vaping instead of smoking. Not only does e-liquid have fewer chemicals, but the vapor also does not stay in the body like the tar from tobacco does. Many consumers also choose vaping as a tool to reduce or quit the amount they smoke. People who have made the switch to vaping, or have used a vape as a quitting aid, have reported that they feel better, and we look forward to additional studies.

You Can Use Your Vape in Some Places Where You Can’t Smoke

Remember those four ingredients that make up most e-liquids? Because they are not linked to the same effects as secondhand smoke, vaping in public is generally considered to be much more acceptable. Always make sure you check the rules of establishments before you vape, but in many cases, you may not have to leave the spot you’re in! You can quickly vape without offending those nearby, excusing yourself, or going out of your way to avoid nearby non-smokers.

Second-Hand Vapor Vs. Second-Hand Smoke

One of the most detrimental and dangerous components of smoking is the effect of second-hand smoke on non-smokers. According to the CDC, secondhand smoke “is the combination of smoke from the burning end of a cigarette and the smoke breathed out by a smoker.” The questions is can you get second hand smoke from a vape?

Second-hand smoke has been studied at length. As mentioned previously, traditional cigarette smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals and approximately seventy known carcinogens, better known as cancer-causing ingredients. Secondhand smoke is especially dangerous because it impacts those who may not smoke at all.

Secondhand smoke has a great number of known health risks including, but not limited to, the following:

    • An increased risk of frequent and severe asthma attacks, especially in young children
    • An increased risk of developing respiratory infections, especially in young children
    • An increased risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer in adults, especially older adults
    • An increased risk of infant death among women who smoked during pregnancy

Vapor, the product of vaping, has not been directly linked to the effects of secondhand smoke. Although vaping is relatively new, and there are still things to learn about secondhand vapor, the jury is very much in on secondhand smoke. This is a primary reason many switch from smoking to vaping.

Vapor Doesn’t Linger Like Cigarette Smoke

Unlike cigarette smoke, vapor quickly dissipates in the air. Smoke from cigarettes also lingers on clothing, stays in your hair, and clings to many surfaces like walls and car seats. The result is a pervasive, distinctive, and objectionable smoke smell.

Vaping Is Cheaper Than Smoking

On average, vaping is cheaper than smoking cigarettes. The average cost of smoking per year is between $2,000 and $5,000 for one pack per day smokers, whereas the average cost of vaping has a lower range, from about $300 to $2,000 per year, depending on consumption. While the upfront costs of vaping, such as buying a mod and accessories, are greater than traditional smoking, the costs decrease over time.

The Known Health Effects Aren’t As Bad

To date, the health effects of vaping are far fewer than the known effects of traditional smoking. What are the health benefits of vaping vs smoking? Many of our clients say they seem to have better cardiovascular function and feel less distress on their lungs. Furthermore, with fewer ingredients in the e-liquid, vaping is not known to be as harmful to those around you. Again, we look forward to future research that can debunk or confirm current health claims.

Vaping Is Easier to Cut Down Over Time

Many consumers have implemented vaping as a tool to either reduce or eliminate smoking. Many make a permanent switch from traditional smoking to vaping. Vaping also provides the option to reduce nicotine over time by buying e-juice with low nicotine levels. This can gradually reduce a person’s dependency.

There Are Many Different Types of Vape Juices and Accessories

Many consumers make the switch to vaping because of the diverse range of flavors! The possibilities are endless, from traditional tobacco and menthol flavoring to donut, blueberry, energy drink, and blood orange mango. These exotic and exciting flavors make vaping an experience.

At HQ Vape & Smoke, you can find hundreds of e-juice flavors and all types of mods. Our staff helps customers in Arizona and Colorado make the switch to vaping by connecting them with the best e-juice and vape accessories. From Tempe to Denver, smokers have ditched their traditional cigarettes in favor of tobacco-free vapes for the convenience, the exciting flavors, the lower costs, and other benefits when compared to traditional smoking.

Featured Image: SVETOV DMITRII/Shutterstock

Best Disposable vapes Image

Best Disposable Vapes

Updated: March 15, 2022

As you read about the best disposable vapes, you’ll learn:

  • Some disposable vape brands have reputations for quality and consistency, while others are less reliable.
  • Disposable e-cigs offer the easiest way to vape, but the convenience isn’t worth it if you don’t get something that gives you good vapor.
  • There are a few things to look for when considering disposable vape brands, but we can recommend a few terrific options that we stand behind 100%.

What Makes the Best Disposable Vapes Different?

Most people who have some experience with vaping will tell you that there are big differences between the best disposable vapes and the ones from brands that only want to make a quick buck. It’s important to know the difference, especially because many people buy disposable vapes when they’re brand new to vaping, likely because they’re trying to quit cigarettes or for some similar reason. There are many options when it comes to disposable vapes, the right one depends on what is most important to you. Flavor is key, how much e-liquid it contains is an important factor, the size of the battery and if it is rechargeable or not, some have adjustable airflow and while most come in 5% salt nicotine there are other strengths available by a few brands. This guide will help you figure out the best disposable vape brands for your needs.

Disposable e-cigs are also easy to carry around, which is part of the reason they’re the easiest way to vape. These small, portable vapes never need to be refilled, either, so you just get a new one when your old one runs out. There are so many different flavors and types of disposable vapes, it can be challenging to decide which one is best for you. This list should help with that. Here are several of the best disposable vapes.

Vapo 1500 Disposable Vape

The Vapo 1500 is one of the most popular options in the industry. It’s been around long enough to develop a reputation for quality, which is a big part of why it’s so popular. This one offers the same great flavor in an even larger disposable device. The Vapo 1500 now comes with up to 1500 puffs. This makes it perfect for people who are sick and tired of having to replace their salt nic pods all of the time.

The Vapo 1500 is available in several different flavors, including classics like menthol and more refreshing options with fruit-inspired flavors. The Vapo 1500 is made by VaporTech, which is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. They pride themselves on testing their juice thoroughly and documenting the results so their customers can buy with complete confidence.


Here’s another great disposable vape known for offering over 1500 puffs from every one you buy. Of course, that does depend slightly upon the size of your puffs, but the key takeaway is that this is another great option for people who want to make sure they’re getting their money’s worth. The Xtra is a disposable device that comes pre-filled with 5 ml of salt nic e-juice in every disposable piece.

One of the other things that make Xtra one of the best disposable vape brands is that it comes in just about every flavor imaginable. The last time we checked, this one was available in more than 15 unique flavors. Some of them might have names like Lala Land, XOXO, Candy, Naked Pleasure, and Fantasy Love, so don’t hesitate to ask someone at your local vape shop to help you select one if the name doesn’t necessarily describe the flavor. Of course, some of the other names like Orange, Mango Tango, Blueberry, Banana Strawberry, and similar options are much easier to understand.

Wild Hemp Disposable CBD Vape Pen

Now you can enjoy the convenience of a disposable vape pen even for your daily CBD. This is great for people who already enjoy CBD or simply prefer to have something other than nicotine. These products are made with hemp-derived CBD, making them legal throughout the United States, not just in places like Arizona and Colorado. The Wild Hemp vape website goes into great detail about how vaping CBD works, especially because they want to make sure their customers understand it if they’re new to disposable CBD vapes compared to other CBD products. The folks at Wild Hemp teamed up with SMOKtech who made the device to put their CBD in so you know it is made well and will work right.

They even claim there are multiple benefits of vaping CBD instead of consuming it through other methods. For one thing, it allows the CBD to enter the lungs, bypassing the gut and liver and getting to the bloodstream more directly. Wild Hemp is considered one of the best CBD vape brands because it takes great care to confirm that its products come from hemp, not cannabis. This is important to people who want to avoid THC because they might get drug tested or simply because they do not want to feel intoxicated or high.

The Cube by VaporTech

The VaporTech Cube is a relatively new device, but it’s already getting very popular because of how great it is. This disposable vape contains 11 ml of liquid, which means it’s estimated to last for around 3,000 puffs and it has adjustable airflow. If you’re looking for the longest-lasting disposable vape on the market, it’s definitely worth checking this one out. Better yet, this device still isn’t very much larger than other vapes on the market. Again, this one is from VaporTech, which is one of the best vape brands.

Vapo and Vapo 1500

Speaking of VaporTech, they did make the original Vapo before they made the Vapo 1500. In fact, the popularity of their original disposable vape is what inspired them to come back and make a version that lasted even longer. As you’ve noticed that they now make The Cube as well, it may become clear that this brand is one of the best in the business, and they just keep experiencing demand for even larger products. They’re one of the largest manufacturers and distributors of e-liquids in the USA, and it will be easy for you to see why as soon as you experience their amazing products.


Vaporlax is one of the best vape brands, and they make a refillable pod device to give people a convenient, disposable vaping option. They make a few different products, so choose the one that seems like the best fit for your personal vaping style. Some people prefer the smaller devices because it allows them to try more of the different flavors, while others want to get bigger pods that last longer and don’t have to be refilled as often.

Vaporlax is a relatively young brand, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Their recent entry into the industry has given them the chance to learn from those who came before them and create a superior product. Their goal is to launch the latest and most innovative products, and it seems like they’re doing a really great job. The team also has a serious passion for vaping, and it shows through in every single product and flavor they produce.

Where to Buy Disposable Vapes

When you’re ready to buy a disposable vape pen, come visit us at Headquarters. We have a location in Tempe, AZ, and another in Denver, CO. Both stores are conveniently located for locals who want to find the best disposable vape products on the market. When you visit, we’ll even help you select the best vape. Check our locations and stop by!

If you need anymore information about the best disposable vapes feel free to call both of our locations:

Tempe, AZ: (480) 966-6093

Denver, CO: (303) 968-1728

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